Introduction: totally blind flight sim user

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Re: Introduction: totally blind flight sim user

Post by stevekirks »

stealthbob wrote:Frankly I am very fascinated with the technology and technique that must be employed to be able to fly in a sim blind. Furthermore the ambitious nature of using live ATC in general is daunting, I am very inspired by the notion that you want to take on this challenge.
Same here. As a professional geek I'd love to hop on a teamspeak or similar and have you run through your technology setup. I'd bet there's something you're doing that I can learn from...


Steve Kirks (sKirks on Twitch)
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Re: Introduction: totally blind flight sim user

Post by zkline »


I would be more than happy to explain all this stuff to anybody interested. :) I've never personally used TeamSpeak, but am open to learning about how it works if its' most convenient. The most important aspect of my tech setup is ItsYourPlane, a program which lets us control most airplanes with voice commands. This combines with the fact that FSX, at least, uses mostly standard Windows controls outside of the cockpit.

I haven't flown on PE in a few days, but look forward to being able to do so again soon.
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