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Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:24 am
by Keith Smith
I wanted to take a minute to publicly thank Ken, the father of MyFlightRoute, for his contribution to the PE ecosystem through his development of MyFlightRoute. Between the TEC route search, Storm Watcher, flight planning, filing, the mission generator, the alphabet challenges, and, of course, the ATIS system, it's hard to overstate what a gem his site has been. In fact, I may or may not have used it while sitting in the airplane at LAX as I planned my flight to CRQ a couple of years ago
We are working on building a fully integrated ATIS into PilotEdge and have been for quite some time, with full support on the scope for monitoring the ATIS code and runway configurations, as well as a speedy interface for controllers to make changes to the configuration if necessary. As Ken has pointed out, this will functionallty replace the ATIS system that currently exists on his site, however, the rest of MFR will still be tremendously valuable. I hope it will continue to operate for years to come.
Thanks again, Ken!
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:42 pm
by RyanK
My favorite feature of MyFlightRoute is the flight search function for generating a random mission:
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:57 pm
by bbuckley
Keith Smith wrote:Thanks again, Ken!
Needs a Like button or UpVote. I use MFR for EVERY PE flight.
Thanks Ken!
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:46 pm
by yycflyer
Oh my fudge! I have just seen this site for the first time and what an amazing gem! Yes indeed, thank you for this very helpful tool.
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:29 pm
by zihuabill
I've used before and during almost every Pilotedge flight I've ever done. Thanks Ken, great work!
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:25 am
by sono features and facilities are amazing, thank you Ken.
When I first came across PE and it was advised to use MFR for various things I had no idea it was not officially provided as part of the paid for service.
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:02 pm
by flyingdrill
Of course, Ken's ATIS page allows us to look around a huge area, and see even "remote" ATIS information - as if we could be getting it these days in a well equipped glass cockpit. Of course, there are a load of ways to get aviation weather - Aeroweather, Skyvector, etc., etc. However, these sort of sources do not give the identifier, nor the runways and approaches in use. MFR is an aid in deciding where one may want to have a flight
I'm not entirely sure what Keith has in mind, but being able to quickly scan a page of ATISs from the PE area is a bonus - easier than having to listen to them. Or is it a plan to provide text based ATIS info., a bit like X-Plane?
Re: Recognizing Ken's contribution
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:19 am
by bobshopsupreme
+1 on the Ken Appreciation Society.
Am using it for TEC routes during the I-Ratings. The download of .fms files is working perfectly in my Panthera and getting me in the air quicker.
Thanks for the great work.