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Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:42 am
by Kilstorm
I'll be there on Xplane using a rented FSEconomy plane. Not sure if I will be using the REP C172, C210 or SF260.

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:13 am
by dhplane
I plan to fly it two of the four days... the first in a 172 and if that goes well I’ll try doing it in a DHC1 Chipmunk... not so easy to land the Chipmunk on a “Dot” but I owned a Chipmunk almost 50 years ago and I’ve got to give it a try.

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:07 am
by Kevin_atc
Before you get too excited to fly your DHC1, I’ll mention that there will be a specified usable aircraft list. The reason behind this is there needs to be an X-Plane CSL for your aircraft since the controllers will be physically looking at your aircraft, rather than using the radar.

With that said, we aren’t quite ready to release the list yet (it’ll be in the NOTAM) but of the ones you mentioned, you can count on the C172 and likely even the SF260 (along with nearly 10 other options). As far as the others you mentioned, don’t get your hopes up, but we hope you can appreciate why we can’t allow people to fly aircraft without CSLs.

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:34 am
by dhplane
Understood, no problem... you guys are doing a great job putting thing this together... much appreciated!

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:46 pm
by Vincent Meier
I am starting on July 19th at Cooking Lake, Alberta and continuing through the prairie provinces to the States. Then shooting SE from there to KOSH. I will be arriving in KOSH on July 25th.
OSH KOSH Trip.xlsx
(10.5 KiB) Downloaded 692 times

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:51 am
by dhplane
In the video posted by BILL4LE on the Simventure test run the various airplanes were self-announcing their positions around Green Lake, but the NOTAM makes no reference to this... it only says that we have to find the proper spacing and monitor Fisk Approach. Is there a CTAF frequency for Green Lake and are we supposed to announce our positions?

THX and looking forward to the event.

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:38 pm
by Ken Quinn
I'm looking forward to it! Been flying east from the West coast (PilotEdge/ORBX Land). Took departure from Reno (KRNO); currently at Cedar Rapids. Tomorrow to Aurora, IL (KARR), just under the westernmost edge of the KORD bravo airspace. Then Tuesday leave there about 1100 PDT (1300 CDT, 1400 EDT) for Oshkosh. Love to have company if anyone would like to fly this ( I fly the Mooney Bravo M20T).

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:23 am
by Marcus Becker
dhplane, you kind of answered your own question. Bill was doing a test run. Testing a CTAF was on one run. If it's not in the NOTAM, don't worry about it.

Re: Who's planning on being part of SimVenture 2020?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:14 am
by Keith Smith
That is, unfortunately, one of the negative side effects of ppl pre-testing the arrival online. What they're doing is reasonable, however, it bears no resemblance to the comms that take place on the day. If a viewer knows that, then no harm is done, however if the viewier doesn't know that, they become confused about what the correct procedure is.