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A STAR for Oshkosh - SimVenture 2024

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:04 pm
by Medtner
Greetings wing rockers!

For SimVenture 2021 I created a STAR to serve as a fun planning tool for the really dedicated pilots who want to fly their planes to Oshkosh before the big event. It's not a Standard Terminal Arrival Route, but rather a SimVenture Tag Along Route.

It's now updated it to reflect the SimVenture 2024 Event 11th to 14th July.

The point of creating it was just to make a fun and relevant (for the aviation geeks on PilotEdge) way of planning routes, either solo or in groups. Try gathering in groups, making the flight to Oshkosh an event in itself!

Brief description of STAR.OSH7

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All the various "feeders" (SEA, PDX, OTH, SFO, LAX, SNA, SAN) have their own routes and ultimately funnels to APA (Centennial) and from there leads to Oshkosh. All the legs are supplied with a magnetic heading and a MOCA for planning purposes. Feel free to ignore any parts of this page, or skip back and forth between feeder routes. Remember also that if you're VFR, "I don't care, ... do what you want".

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This is a set of long legs more or less direct to Oshkosh (or Fond du Lac). Use the inset for the last 60 miles or so. The complete Fisk arrival is there for reference, but it's recommended to land at a satellite airport to regroup before entering the Fisk approach to Oshkosh. Fond du Lac will be staffed with a temporary tower during the event, so that's an excellent place to go. You won't be alone in going there.
The one and only important part of this whole STAR is the NOTE: "Read and follow the NOTICE."

The SimVenture 2024 NOTICE (AKA NOTAM) will be available on this page, including the newest 2024-version of the scenery for the simulator (mandatory update).

Enjoy the event and the exciting days leading up to it!

Keep the sunny side up - except when wildly wing-rocking over Fisk!

Erik (Medtner)

Re: A STAR for Oshkosh - SimVenture 2023

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:07 am
by DrZGard
I get a 404 error for the scenery download link.

Re: A STAR for Oshkosh - SimVenture 2023

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:27 pm
by Kevin_atc
DrZGard wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:07 am I get a 404 error for the scenery download link.

The scenery is no longer available.